

I think this group should be named anti greed. I feel that most humans love work, but hate being mistreated and especially underpaid. Work can bring me great feelings of being valued and needed. I think most humans love work if they are treated fair, and the better they are treated the more efficient and effective they become. They are companies out there that will pay you more than you ask. That will give bonuses and better benefits. And boy, does it make life a whole lot more enjoyable. Unemployment is a bore. Sure it is extremely helpful, but it’s not permanent- so it’s not a solution. My thoughts and prayers for everyone who is bitter (rightly so) about not being paid enough and working too many hours. May the right opportunity come to you.

I think this group should be named anti greed. I feel that most humans love work, but hate being mistreated and especially underpaid.

Work can bring me great feelings of being valued and needed. I think most humans love work if they are treated fair, and the better they are treated the more efficient and effective they become.

They are companies out there that will pay you more than you ask. That will give bonuses and better benefits. And boy, does it make life a whole lot more enjoyable. Unemployment is a bore. Sure it is extremely helpful, but it’s not permanent- so it’s not a solution.

My thoughts and prayers for everyone who is bitter (rightly so) about not being paid enough and working too many hours. May the right opportunity come to you.

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