
Anti this job so that I can have time to be antiwork again?

Hello all! I realize this is supposed to be anti-work, but I'm in real predicament with my current job. This job was a post covid job loss grab-whatever-I-could-get-with-a-decent-salary kind of thing. And while I thought this was temporary because I have loads of experience, we haven't recovered and I've had to stick. My job is absolutely working me to the bone, I'm talking 70 hour work weeks, nights, weekends. I'm salary and an ungodly amount of students rely on me – so while I'd love to fuck over the company, I would mostly be hurting them. They know this and exploit good people in tough situations – HR and management have been absolutely sinister. I've kept documentation, and despite having over a decade of great experience for decent companies (never leave a union job for the love of god), have not been able to find another job WHILE working for…

Hello all!

I realize this is supposed to be anti-work, but I'm in real predicament with my current job.

This job was a post covid job loss grab-whatever-I-could-get-with-a-decent-salary kind of thing. And while I thought this was temporary because I have loads of experience, we haven't recovered and I've had to stick.

My job is absolutely working me to the bone, I'm talking 70 hour work weeks, nights, weekends. I'm salary and an ungodly amount of students rely on me – so while I'd love to fuck over the company, I would mostly be hurting them. They know this and exploit good people in tough situations – HR and management have been absolutely sinister.

I've kept documentation, and despite having over a decade of great experience for decent companies (never leave a union job for the love of god), have not been able to find another job WHILE working for this unrelenting job. I've also just been praying they'd fire me – but no such luck, they're smarter than that.

Because of my wife and I's job losses at the start of covid, we exhausted our savings – so I can't just leave.

Does anyone know of any jobs that are remote – that pay minimum 35ish a year – that won't exclude an applicant because they may be overqualified?

At this point I need to just get out and get back to some standard of normal life.

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