
Anti-Work and Europe

As a citizen of the EU, I am very surprised to see almost no stories on this subreddit coming from the EU? I am wondering what the opinion of the people here is about the labour laws and work-culture in the EU? Isn’t working in a country like Germany, France, Austria or the Netherlands the dream of most people on this subreddit (especially younger people)? Just taking Austria as an example: free healthcare, 13th and 14th yearly salary guaranteed, 25 days of vacation minimum and (specifically in Austria) a huge amount of religious holidays where no one work (that is in addition to the vacation you get)

As a citizen of the EU, I am very surprised to see almost no stories on this subreddit coming from the EU?

I am wondering what the opinion of the people here is about the labour laws and work-culture in the EU?

Isn’t working in a country like Germany, France, Austria or the Netherlands the dream of most people on this subreddit (especially younger people)?

Just taking Austria as an example: free healthcare, 13th and 14th yearly salary guaranteed, 25 days of vacation minimum and (specifically in Austria) a huge amount of religious holidays where no one work (that is in addition to the vacation you get)

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