
antiwork life hack: free therapy + put pressure on the local job market to increase wages

So far, I have tried this at local restaurants that have low hourly wages. Apply to basic entry level positions with minimal experience required Get an interview Immediately ask about pay Immediately get angry – not “get arrested” angry, but angry enough. Aim for that kind of angry where the other person doesn't quite know what to do but isn't going to freak out and ask you to immediately leave. Lambast the interviewer for as long as they will let you rant about why their starting pay should be higher. Repeat as often as you like with other companies. Will it result in anyone raising their starting pay they offer? Probably not, if it is just you. But it sure feels good to do. BONUS #1: intentionally target small business owners in your area that cry on social media about how “nO OnE WaNtS To WoRk” BONUS #2: coordinate with…

So far, I have tried this at local restaurants that have low hourly wages.

  1. Apply to basic entry level positions with minimal experience required
  2. Get an interview
  3. Immediately ask about pay
  4. Immediately get angry – not “get arrested” angry, but angry enough. Aim for that kind of angry where the other person doesn't quite know what to do but isn't going to freak out and ask you to immediately leave. Lambast the interviewer for as long as they will let you rant about why their starting pay should be higher.
  5. Repeat as often as you like with other companies.

Will it result in anyone raising their starting pay they offer? Probably not, if it is just you. But it sure feels good to do.

BONUS #1: intentionally target small business owners in your area that cry on social media about how “nO OnE WaNtS To WoRk”

BONUS #2: coordinate with friends and hit the same companies, staggering the applications and interviews so that it doesn't seem as concerted

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