
Anxious About Not Liking Job

TLDR ; Started a new job and I already have doubts about if I’ll like the role I started a new job today after 3+ yrs at my last company. After going through the first day of onboarding, my job tasks seem more administrative in nature than I understood them to be in my interview process. I’m worried that I’m going to be bored sooner rather than later in this role and I’m already wondering if I’m really that excited about this role at all. My last job was pretty interesting but I left bc it didn’t pay me well enough and there was no room for professional growth. I can’t tell if I’m freaking out bc of change or bc this isn’t a good fit for me. If I have to work I don’t want to be doing something that bores me I feel like it’s a red flag…

TLDR ; Started a new job and I already have doubts about if I’ll like the role

I started a new job today after 3+ yrs at my last company. After going through the first day of onboarding, my job tasks seem more administrative in nature than I understood them to be in my interview process. I’m worried that I’m going to be bored sooner rather than later in this role and I’m already wondering if I’m really that excited about this role at all. My last job was pretty interesting but I left bc it didn’t pay me well enough and there was no room for professional growth. I can’t tell if I’m freaking out bc of change or bc this isn’t a good fit for me. If I have to work I don’t want to be doing something that bores me

I feel like it’s a red flag that on the first day of this new role I’m already having doubts about the position. I’m getting paid more, I have a more senior title, and the work life balance seems decent- all of this is a big win. There are some drawbacks like a long commute, but the role is hybrid so it’s doable. I know all of this seems like it should be enough and I wish it felt like it was. I’m not even sure what question to ask here, just looking for thoughts on this. I feel like I overcomplicate some areas of my life that shouldn’t have to be so deep. I have a lot of things outside of work that I care about, hobbies etc, so I’m starting to think maybe my life is just more about not thinking so deeply about work and just viewing it as a way to finance the things I really like to do. I desire epic things out of my life and work is the one part of life that fails to deliver on that front. I feel lost and like I’m not sure how to move forward as I leave old jobs, start new jobs, and keep working

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