
anxious about telling work I’m leaving

I'm aware this sounds kinda over the top, but it really does stress me out like crazy. I need to tell my manager I'm leaving tomorrow and I absolutely hate having that conversation. Every job I have it's an extremely difficult thing to do – I'm scared of their reaction and letting them down even though I want to go, every time. I know I need to leave as I cry several times a week from the stress but, I'm terrified of not having anything else in place. I have savings and plan to travel in a few months anyway, so there's no need for me to be as stressed as I am, and I'm planning to just find a part time job til I go but i still stress about the massive pay cut I'll inevitable take, and the fear of going without income for a little while. I…

I'm aware this sounds kinda over the top, but it really does stress me out like crazy.
I need to tell my manager I'm leaving tomorrow and I absolutely hate having that conversation. Every job I have it's an extremely difficult thing to do – I'm scared of their reaction and letting them down even though I want to go, every time. I know I need to leave as I cry several times a week from the stress but, I'm terrified of not having anything else in place. I have savings and plan to travel in a few months anyway, so there's no need for me to be as stressed as I am, and I'm planning to just find a part time job til I go but i still stress about the massive pay cut I'll inevitable take, and the fear of going without income for a little while. I know it's right but I guess it goes against what I've been indoctrinated to believe – that I need a well paid job and a career – even though I DESPERATELY don't want to work very much at all and just travel and focus on myself.

Does anyone else feel this crazy angst whilst knowing full well you definitely want a life that isn't about work?

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