
Anybody else done with the system and rather live simple to not have to work?

So I'm sure most of us have been told by society that we need to go through this system of getting good grades, study a good major at a good college even if it means taking on debt, get a good high paying job, buy a house and a nice car, go on vacation once a years, live, eat, sleep, work for 40 years, retire when you're 60+, die. Basically the endless cycle of just working jobs even if we don't like them just so we can make the payments for our houses, nice cars, etc. I'm glad that people especially since the pandemic have realized this it not the way to live and there must be a better way. We all know some people have started successful business and have been able to become super rich and buy all the nice things in life. However, the truth is that…

So I'm sure most of us have been told by society that we need to go through this system of getting good grades, study a good major at a good college even if it means taking on debt, get a good high paying job, buy a house and a nice car, go on vacation once a years, live, eat, sleep, work for 40 years, retire when you're 60+, die. Basically the endless cycle of just working jobs even if we don't like them just so we can make the payments for our houses, nice cars, etc.

I'm glad that people especially since the pandemic have realized this it not the way to live and there must be a better way. We all know some people have started successful business and have been able to become super rich and buy all the nice things in life. However, the truth is that is not realistic for everybody and it is a lot of work and self discipline that not everybody has the desire to go through.

Does anybody else prefer to just work a freelance gig part time or even have a part time job, cut down on expenses and just live simply? As in yes you still have to work (unless you were able to save up a lot of money or perhaps you find a way to have no housing expense), but it won't be as stressful as a full time job and you can control what you do on your own time. Basically avoiding debt, having no desire to climb the corporate rank or even getting a high paying job, being contempt with a lower quality of life so you can work less and have your time free to do as you please.

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