
Anybody notice how some subreddits are very antiworker?

Throwaway account. Anyways. I asked for some advice from another subreddit about putting a down payment on a home. You can probably guess which one. Anyways basically they all told me the same few anwers. You need to save more first, your income is too low, your credit score is too low, and my favorite you can't afford it with your income. So what do these people really expect lol? Somehow I can afford 1500$ in rent but I can't afford a mortgage that would be similar or less even after insurance and taxes. Also for the record I make 65k gross. I have 40k in Savings, and my credit score is almost 700, and have absolutely no debt except for a 2021 car with a balance of 10k lol. The home price I was looking for is around 220k…which is a near brand new home in my area. It's…

Throwaway account.

Anyways. I asked for some advice from another subreddit about putting a down payment on a home. You can probably guess which one. Anyways basically they all told me the same few anwers. You need to save more first, your income is too low, your credit score is too low, and my favorite you can't afford it with your income.

So what do these people really expect lol? Somehow I can afford 1500$ in rent but I can't afford a mortgage that would be similar or less even after insurance and taxes.

Also for the record I make 65k gross. I have 40k in Savings, and my credit score is almost 700, and have absolutely no debt except for a 2021 car with a balance of 10k lol. The home price I was looking for is around 220k…which is a near brand new home in my area.

It's actually very sad that these people are giving this advice out, and think everyone should be making 100k+ per year and have thousands saved. Just go look and read through some post on that subreddit. The advice is almost always you don't make enough, find another job, ask for a promotion, or find something cheaper. Where are these people finding these high paying jobs? It's almost laughable thay they can say this kinda shit with a straight face.

Sorry if this isn't really the subreddit for this.

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