
Anyone apply to a job and then get a weird ten minute IQ test?

I was filling out an application for a cashier job, normal enough. I'm doing it online, and it proceeds to ask me to do a ten minute timed quiz. I assume this is going to be cashier related questions. I go into it, and it proceeds to ask things like, “A leaf to a tree is the same as a page to a ____” okay weird but not that hard. Then it starts asking me to complete complicated number sequences and solve word math problems like, “If Sue worked 10 hours, and Tom worked a quarter of those hours, but Becky worked twice as much as Tom, but Sara worked three times as much as Becky, how many did they total?” And insane stuff like that. Whatever happened to just being interviewed. Employers have become so lazy they want to make you interview yourself with weird tests. I still remember…

I was filling out an application for a cashier job, normal enough. I'm doing it online, and it proceeds to ask me to do a ten minute timed quiz. I assume this is going to be cashier related questions.

I go into it, and it proceeds to ask things like, “A leaf to a tree is the same as a page to a ____” okay weird but not that hard.

Then it starts asking me to complete complicated number sequences and solve word math problems like, “If Sue worked 10 hours, and Tom worked a quarter of those hours, but Becky worked twice as much as Tom, but Sara worked three times as much as Becky, how many did they total?” And insane stuff like that.

Whatever happened to just being interviewed. Employers have become so lazy they want to make you interview yourself with weird tests. I still remember my management test for Dollar Tree that asked things like, “Have you ever been tired?” Or “Do you ever get frustrated at work?” And the correct answers were never.

Honestly I enjoy hard work, but I'm so sick with how bizarrely management is run. I just put in notice for a job where people had to drive to work once in the morning and once in the evening (commute not paid for) to feed some cats, even though someone else was in the building and could have fed them, but for some reason beyond any logical comprehension we made someone commute twice in one day for less than an hour of pay. So you lost money doing it if you lived far away. You lost money going to work.

I just want a place where I actually work and am not tormented by upper management insanity. I actually liked my other job in retail, except upper management insisted we do 5am freight on Saturday morning, meaning we needed extra staff and it made it impossible for the managers to alternate weekends off. We all could have totally had every other weekend off, but management insisted 5am on Saturday was the appropriate time to stock, so I quit because every single weekend at work is unbearable. They then would complain turnover was high.

End of tangent.

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