
Anyone else at this point where they don’t care if they get fired?

I work a monotone office job since 4 years. I used to not dread it before but mostly because of the cool coworkers and some rare exciting tasks. Sadly the cool coworkers quit though. Well, last month I caught covid and spent the whole week in my bed, watching youtube vids and enjoying the sick days even if I didn't feel good at all. Ever since then I have absolutely no motivation for work. As crazy as it sounds, I get irritated when other coworkers talk to me or give me tasks and I stopped caring if they fire me. Maybe its the stagnancy finally getting to me, who knows. Does anyone else feel like this?

I work a monotone office job since 4 years. I used to not dread it before but mostly because of the cool coworkers and some rare exciting tasks. Sadly the cool coworkers quit though. Well, last month I caught covid and spent the whole week in my bed, watching youtube vids and enjoying the sick days even if I didn't feel good at all.

Ever since then I have absolutely no motivation for work. As crazy as it sounds, I get irritated when other coworkers talk to me or give me tasks and I stopped caring if they fire me. Maybe its the stagnancy finally getting to me, who knows. Does anyone else feel like this?

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