
Anyone else have a manager who thinks forwarding emails all day is work?

I work for a large organization. The manager of our area seems to think that taking area-wide emails that we have already received and adding buzz words to them is his job. He then sends them back out to the same people that already have them the first time from the original sender. He adds one like sentences like – Hot Topic Now, Keep the Focus, Our play for the day, All hands on deck for this one, etc. I get literally hundreds of these a week and very few ever pertain to me anyways. I have no evidence he actually does anything else. Is this normal?

I work for a large organization. The manager of our area seems to think that taking area-wide emails that we have already received and adding buzz words to them is his job. He then sends them back out to the same people that already have them the first time from the original sender. He adds one like sentences like – Hot Topic Now, Keep the Focus, Our play for the day, All hands on deck for this one, etc. I get literally hundreds of these a week and very few ever pertain to me anyways. I have no evidence he actually does anything else. Is this normal?

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