
Anyone else leave their career to move into the service industry?

I have found myself completely burnt out on my social services career that I had went to graduate school for. I was lucky in that I was able to take some time of before looking for something new, and recently moved into a service industry job that I love, but doesn’t come close salary-wise to what I was doing before. I’ve been able to make lifestyle adjustments to make this sustainable, but I’m really struggling with all the comments I get about being over qualified, or asking when I’m going to go back to the field that I left. Anyone go through something similar? Any advise?

I have found myself completely burnt out on my social services career that I had went to graduate school for. I was lucky in that I was able to take some time of before looking for something new, and recently moved into a service industry job that I love, but doesn’t come close salary-wise to what I was doing before. I’ve been able to make lifestyle adjustments to make this sustainable, but I’m really struggling with all the comments I get about being over qualified, or asking when I’m going to go back to the field that I left. Anyone go through something similar? Any advise?

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