
Anyone else never been able to take a sick day ever?

I live in the south and have always worked in the south, but I’ve never once been able to take a sick day, nor was it ever a practice at any establishment I’ve worked at, and I’ve had more jobs than I can remember as an almost 30 year old. I had people on Reddit telling me I’m basically fabricating this but I’ve NEVER been offered a sick day even once, and my current employer offers 1 personal day after 1 year of employment. I believe Walmart also had something of the sort after long enough, but it’s sort of a dogshit company to work for. I’ve been very ill and every absence counts as a point against me unless someone in my family dies and I get bereavement, so I’m at 2/4.5 until termination. Can’t wait to find a way out of this shithole cycle I’m in.

I live in the south and have always worked in the south, but I’ve never once been able to take a sick day, nor was it ever a practice at any establishment I’ve worked at, and I’ve had more jobs than I can remember as an almost 30 year old. I had people on Reddit telling me I’m basically fabricating this but I’ve NEVER been offered a sick day even once, and my current employer offers 1 personal day after 1 year of employment. I believe Walmart also had something of the sort after long enough, but it’s sort of a dogshit company to work for. I’ve been very ill and every absence counts as a point against me unless someone in my family dies and I get bereavement, so I’m at 2/4.5 until termination. Can’t wait to find a way out of this shithole cycle I’m in.

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