
Anyone else saying fuck it to this sham and considering teaching English abroad?!

Has anyone successfully done it on this sub?! I’ve given my all to jobs that have given me nothing back (think zero recognition of work I do and even less opportunities of promotions). I’m in a new role that I do like (mostly the colleagues – not the work) and giving bare minimum and seeing how different it all is. There’s been less expectation from me from the onset which is wonderful, I’m not constantly burnt out all the time and I have my weekends back! Even so, surely there’s more to life than this?! I would love to be teaching English abroad (ideally somewhere a little warmer surrounded by the beautiful outdoors) but what’s the dream vs reality?! Is it a viable solution to my hatred of the scam that is capitalism and having to rely on the world’s worst jobs just to survive ?!

Has anyone successfully done it on this sub?! I’ve given my all to jobs that have given me nothing back (think zero recognition of work I do and even less opportunities of promotions). I’m in a new role that I do like (mostly the colleagues – not the work) and giving bare minimum and seeing how different it all is. There’s been less expectation from me from the onset which is wonderful, I’m not constantly burnt out all the time and I have my weekends back!

Even so, surely there’s more to life than this?! I would love to be teaching English abroad (ideally somewhere a little warmer surrounded by the beautiful outdoors) but what’s the dream vs reality?! Is it a viable solution to my hatred of the scam that is capitalism and having to rely on the world’s worst jobs just to survive ?!

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