
Anyone else sick of jobs ghosting you?

I've been looking for a new job for several months as my current job has become untenable. I've had dozens of meetings with recruiters that seem to go no where. I have the initial call, they have already seen my resume at this point, and they tell me they think I'd make a great fit, and the next step is to send it to the company or companies they are recruiting for. And then I don't hear from them again. Obviously the company itself wasn't interested, but no notes, feedback, or even just a “Hey sorry they chose someone else.” Just silence. I spent my lunch breaks, and time off filling out application after application, and sending out resumes, and all I get is an email often weeks or months later telling me that they chose someone else but asking me to apply to other roles. Most recently, I finally…

I've been looking for a new job for several months as my current job has become untenable. I've had dozens of meetings with recruiters that seem to go no where. I have the initial call, they have already seen my resume at this point, and they tell me they think I'd make a great fit, and the next step is to send it to the company or companies they are recruiting for. And then I don't hear from them again. Obviously the company itself wasn't interested, but no notes, feedback, or even just a “Hey sorry they chose someone else.” Just silence.

I spent my lunch breaks, and time off filling out application after application, and sending out resumes, and all I get is an email often weeks or months later telling me that they chose someone else but asking me to apply to other roles.

Most recently, I finally got a referral from someone I used to work with at a company that sounded great. My former co-worker introduced me to their CEO, we had a meeting, and I knocked his socks off! I know this to be true because my former co-worker told me the CEO called him to tell him how impressed he was, and the next day the CEO sent a note to their recruiting team telling them to fast-track me through the hiring process. 4 additional interviews took place over a 2 week period. Then NOTHING. I've followed up with them the appropriate amount without hounding them, and have gotten one update in the last 3+ weeks of waiting. That updating being, “Thank you for your patience, we are still waiting for all the feedback from the team. I should have an answer for you by end of this week!” That was Tuesday of LAST week.

Then I got a recruiter who actually got me an interview with the hiring manager for another company I'd be thrilled to work for. I had the interview. It went VERY well. I explained my experience and the hiring manager specifically said I have been doing exactly what they are trying to do now, and could benefit from my experience. And the only update I've gotten since then is that they are intending to hire, but are also re-organizing their structure so ironing those details out. They said I should hear back this past Monday and guess what? Again nothing.

I seriously don't understand what the deal is. The only real feedback I've gotten in these months of applying is in those short rejection emails where they say they were impressed by me, but that they picked someone with more experience. Not even telling me more experience in WHAT. For reference, I'm in technology sales, and so it would be very helpful to know if I lacked certain certifications, or anything.

Is it me?

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