
Anyone heard the mega cringe “get back to the office” podcast ads… (U.K.)

They are seriously cringe & the reasons they have for getting back to the office are tenuous at best. “I’m a work from homing pigeon” like come on fuck off! I work in a factory so it’s not really any of my business. But if I did work in an office, these adverts would make me dig my heals in. Also, the fact that they are podcast ads surely means they are reaching people who have the freedom to listen to podcasts.

They are seriously cringe & the reasons they have for getting back to the office are tenuous at best. “I’m a work from homing pigeon” like come on fuck off! I work in a factory so it’s not really any of my business. But if I did work in an office, these adverts would make me dig my heals in. Also, the fact that they are podcast ads surely means they are reaching people who have the freedom to listen to podcasts.

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