
Anyone know of a good employment/ contract lawyer in Denver?

I was recently recruited from a decent job with a really cool company. Had been at this spot for 2 years, great boss, solid benefits, cool company. This new company actively sought me out, brought me on as their head of sales effectively tripling my income. We sign a six month contract with discussion of equity upon renewal of the contract. Fast forward three weeks, they don't get a loan they applied for and decide to eliminate my position. So I left my comfy job, worked for them for three weeks and they decide to kick me to the curb on a whim. They now also haven't paid my final paycheck. As far as I can tell, I have wrongful termination, breach of contract and wage theft suits against this company. So yeah, this post is part “fuck predatory companies who think they can fuck up your life with zero…

I was recently recruited from a decent job with a really cool company. Had been at this spot for 2 years, great boss, solid benefits, cool company. This new company actively sought me out, brought me on as their head of sales effectively tripling my income.

We sign a six month contract with discussion of equity upon renewal of the contract.

Fast forward three weeks, they don't get a loan they applied for and decide to eliminate my position. So I left my comfy job, worked for them for three weeks and they decide to kick me to the curb on a whim. They now also haven't paid my final paycheck.

As far as I can tell, I have wrongful termination, breach of contract and wage theft suits against this company.

So yeah, this post is part “fuck predatory companies who think they can fuck up your life with zero consequence” and part “anyone have a good lawyer who wants to help me collect the rest of this contract”

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