
Apartment management is disgusting

So I work for the largest management company in Arizona. Tons of money is pumped into this company due to high rent rates being bumped basically every month. Meanwhile they under pay staff and refuse to help short staffed sites and when they do manage to hire someone it’s someone that’s inexperienced and get paid more than someone that’s been with the company for awhile. It was nice to hear that we’re starting a summer time seasonal option for new hires since its our busiest and toughest months out of the year with tons of move outs and temps reaching 115 typically. Quickly realized it’s a dirty scheme to take advantage of the “family” mantra they put on and will only be hiring 16-18 year old and paying them 13 DOLLARS AN HOUR. They’d be doing all the grunt work and outside work around the property for less than what…

So I work for the largest management company in Arizona. Tons of money is pumped into this company due to high rent rates being bumped basically every month. Meanwhile they under pay staff and refuse to help short staffed sites and when they do manage to hire someone it’s someone that’s inexperienced and get paid more than someone that’s been with the company for awhile. It was nice to hear that we’re starting a summer time seasonal option for new hires since its our busiest and toughest months out of the year with tons of move outs and temps reaching 115 typically. Quickly realized it’s a dirty scheme to take advantage of the “family” mantra they put on and will only be hiring 16-18 year old and paying them 13 DOLLARS AN HOUR. They’d be doing all the grunt work and outside work around the property for less than what their friends would be making at McDonald’s in an ac cooled building.

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