
Apparently I have to be as smart as Elon Musk to wear headphones at work, according to my boss. TLDR at end

lol. I recently started a new job after leaving a one where I was in a horrible situation. I found a new job working sales at a small business, and its okay. It has the typical bs that comes with a smaller business, but really sucks is they don’t have issuance. Anyway, my boss can be a little nitpicky. Also, he’s a father and it’s a smaller town and I know his niece so unfortunately he can also be condescending, so idk it’s like a weird dad thing because our families know each other. Anyway, i burnt myself out at my last job so I was trying to take this slow for the first week. Aka decide if I really want to put forth the effort here lol I decided to buckle in and brought my headphones so I could focus. It’s a little weird, but most of the time…

lol. I recently started a new job after leaving a one where I was in a horrible situation. I found a new job working sales at a small business, and its okay. It has the typical bs that comes with a smaller business, but really sucks is they don’t have issuance.

Anyway, my boss can be a little nitpicky. Also, he’s a father and it’s a smaller town and I know his niece so unfortunately he can also be condescending, so idk it’s like a weird dad thing because our families know each other. Anyway, i burnt myself out at my last job so I was trying to take this slow for the first week. Aka decide if I really want to put forth the effort here lol I decided to buckle in and brought my headphones so I could focus.

It’s a little weird, but most of the time I’m not listening to anything when they’re in. The utter silence is just really soothing, and it seriously helped me get down to business. I was feeling comfortable and getting shit done. Two weeks passed like this. But yesterday, I was told by my boss/the owner that I could no longer wear headphones as I was too disconnected from the place.

I was just confused, because again 90% of the time I just listen to silence. It’s just helpful. (And yeah, I am neurodivirgent and my boss knows. When I told him he kind of made it a joke? Bc he has it too). Long story short, he claims I didn’t hear a customer enter when in the end it was all a misunderstanding. But he just assumed he knew the problem was the headphones.

So I asked if I could wear one earbud, because even that helps. He said no because, and I quote, “‘not even the smarter genius, like Elon Musk, could entirely focus with an earbud in”

The funny thing is, I felt bad for being on Reddit too much at work which is why I brought the earbuds. And it worked while it lasted!

TLDR: couldn’t wear earbuds anymore, so I asked if I could wear one earbud, because even that helps. He said no because, and I quote, “‘not even the smarter genius, like Elon Musk, could entirely focus with an earbud in”

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