
Apparently if you aren’t willing to accept the worst jobs ever you are lazy and deserve poverty.

Made a post about not wanting to go work at a factory because the work conditions in the factories here are terrible, and the wages aren't enough for actually paying for living expenses either. Post got flooded with comments about how I should be “grateful” and how I am lazy blah blah Are people willing to degrade themselves completely just to make a few bucks? Or do they enjoy pushing others to shitty jobs they will likely suffer extremely in. A lot of people who I know that work in factories end up developing addictions. It's a messed up job and not something I could handle. And I'm not lazy for wanting a job that treats its workers with a modicum of decency.

Made a post about not wanting to go work at a factory because the work conditions in the factories here are terrible, and the wages aren't enough for actually paying for living expenses either.

Post got flooded with comments about how I should be “grateful” and how I am lazy blah blah

Are people willing to degrade themselves completely just to make a few bucks? Or do they enjoy pushing others to shitty jobs they will likely suffer extremely in.

A lot of people who I know that work in factories end up developing addictions. It's a messed up job and not something I could handle. And I'm not lazy for wanting a job that treats its workers with a modicum of decency.

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