
Appreciation bonus at my previous company

I was a team manager in my previous job in a translation office. Sounded prestigious but I was basically supposed to translate/proofread like other employees but also cooperate with the business team with scheduling translation projects and allocating them to other in-house translators. Just two people at most, as it was a small company. Pay wasn't great either. After a few months of almost no new projects we finally bounced back. The boss visited us personally for the first time in ages and congratulated me personally on my “great scheduling”, adding that there will be a “financial appreciation bonus” for all of us. She gave us sealed envelopes some time later. We've all opened them as soon as she was gone. What was inside mine? The equivalent of 10 bucks. Funny thing is that our newest employee got twice that. Our boss didn't expect us to discuss the contents of…

I was a team manager in my previous job in a translation office. Sounded prestigious but I was basically supposed to translate/proofread like other employees but also cooperate with the business team with scheduling translation projects and allocating them to other in-house translators. Just two people at most, as it was a small company. Pay wasn't great either.
After a few months of almost no new projects we finally bounced back. The boss visited us personally for the first time in ages and congratulated me personally on my “great scheduling”, adding that there will be a “financial appreciation bonus” for all of us. She gave us sealed envelopes some time later. We've all opened them as soon as she was gone. What was inside mine? The equivalent of 10 bucks. Funny thing is that our newest employee got twice that. Our boss didn't expect us to discuss the contents of the envelopes and genuinely thought it's quite a lot.
I had already signed a contract with another company (current one, actually) when it happened so instead of annoyance it just made me laugh and even more certain I wouldn't want to work there anymore.

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