
Are my feelings about my job unjustified?

Just need a place to air this out. I've been at a small mom and pop for about 11 years. I make about $22 with no benefits, which is good for how small the place is, but not enough to live comfortably in a studio apartment in our area (which I do not) My boss will offten rant about his political beliefs or conspiracy theories, entirely unprompted. I once told him the price of a sandwich he ordered went up, and he found a way to start complaining about Angela Merkel through that. I don't engage in these conversations, it isn't  worth the trouble. I don't agree with his politics most of the time. But I don't need to in order to do my job. Which I do. I am responsible for all customer e-mails, working the sales floor, online orders, keeping up with inventory (without software). If there is…

Just need a place to air this out.

I've been at a small mom and pop for about 11 years. I make about $22 with no benefits, which is good for how small the place is, but not enough to live comfortably in a studio apartment in our area (which I do not)

My boss will offten rant about his political beliefs or conspiracy theories, entirely unprompted. I once told him the price of a sandwich he ordered went up, and he found a way to start complaining about Angela Merkel through that. I don't engage in these conversations, it isn't  worth the trouble. I don't agree with his politics most of the time. But I don't need to in order to do my job. Which I do.

I am responsible for all customer e-mails, working the sales floor, online orders, keeping up with inventory (without software).
If there is a question about a tax document, I'm likely to be involved, even though my management has been in business for a few decades before I hit the scene. And a bunch of other odd things that get thrown to me when they don't feel like doing it.

When the covid relief for small businesses rolled around it was my job to take their information and fill out the forms for every program they were qualified for. All the while hearing them complain about the government giving out free money, while taking their cut. I was even told by them that they didn't even need it.

All this to say that I'm moving, and don't yet drive so I told them I'm going to be gone in the neat future. Even if I do get my license and a car by the time I move (which I'm working on), the car payments and gas would probably make me loose money staying there.

I can be replaced no problem. But my management is paranoid. They wouldn't trust just anyone with my responsibilities.

I don't like my bosses, but I still see them as human.
And they don't treat me poorly, but my co-worker gets a lot of flack. And my co-worker is the biggest reason I've been able to stay here.

Part if me is sick of being a vital organ to this business, and not getting an offer to help me afford to stay with them.

The other part is like, fuck it, I know you'll ask me to come in and help while you look for a replacement, but you had more than enough time to prepare for my exit.

Just venting. I could not tell if this kind of post is allowed or not.

Thank you for your time.

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