
Are my rights to discuss wages limited when it is a small business?

My employer sent out a notice to our agency via email stating that it is agency policy to not discuss wages and that it is confidential information that is only to be disclosed with our supervisor. I replied to the email that our right to discuss wages is protected by the National Labor Relations Act. He countered with the info that those rules only apply to corporations or government entities with set step increases and have a minimum number of employees. Since our agency is small and doesn’t meet the number of employees then my rights aren’t protected and our agency can set a policy if they want. Is this right? Any supporting documentation to send to him?

My employer sent out a notice to our agency via email stating that it is agency policy to not discuss wages and that it is confidential information that is only to be disclosed with our supervisor. I replied to the email that our right to discuss wages is protected by the National Labor Relations Act. He countered with the info that those rules only apply to corporations or government entities with set step increases and have a minimum number of employees. Since our agency is small and doesn’t meet the number of employees then my rights aren’t protected and our agency can set a policy if they want. Is this right? Any supporting documentation to send to him?

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