
Are we reaching a tipping/boiling point in the US?

Does anyone feel like we are reaching a tipping/boiling point in the US? It feels like our society is becoming harder and harder to get by with just the basic necessities. Gas is at an all time high, Food costs have skyrocketed, not to mention, we have impending food supply issues. Baby formula is +40% out of stock in the US. Forget about home prices, rent prices are insane in major cities. Society wise, This summer, abortion is about to get overturned, harming all the working women out there. Each country seems to be getting at each other’s throats, (Russia & Ukraine, Israel & Iran, etc….). I just have a feeling that the working class is buried 6ft under and people are on the edge of just risk losing it all. Meanwhile, the news just talks about pointless dribble. Does anyone else feel this sentiment? Maybe I’m just paranoid, but…

Does anyone feel like we are reaching a tipping/boiling point in the US? It feels like our society is becoming harder and harder to get by with just the basic necessities. Gas is at an all time high, Food costs have skyrocketed, not to mention, we have impending food supply issues. Baby formula is +40% out of stock in the US. Forget about home prices, rent prices are insane in major cities.

Society wise, This summer, abortion is about to get overturned, harming all the working women out there. Each country seems to be getting at each other’s throats, (Russia & Ukraine, Israel & Iran, etc….).
I just have a feeling that the working class is buried 6ft under and people are on the edge of just risk losing it all. Meanwhile, the news just talks about pointless dribble. Does anyone else feel this sentiment? Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I just can help but shake this feeling that it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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