
Arguing with the “no one wants to work” contingent

Just got back from the post office, where there were maybe 5 people total waiting in line. Two older (guessing in their 50s-early 60s) people– a man and a woman– behind me start a loud conversation about how “this is what happens when no one wants to work” and “the government gives out free money” and “now we all have to suffer,” and “welcome to the new American dream.” Of course, the both of THEM have worked since they were 12– no, make that 10! years old, so they are just bastions of a strong work ethic. Guess I'm at the age now (46) where I've decided I won't silently rage at performative stupidity like this… so I turned around and said “Tell me more about this free money the government's giving out? Where can I get some?” Cue incredulous looks and the response from the man that our state's…

Just got back from the post office, where there were maybe 5 people total waiting in line. Two older (guessing in their 50s-early 60s) people– a man and a woman– behind me start a loud conversation about how “this is what happens when no one wants to work” and “the government gives out free money” and “now we all have to suffer,” and “welcome to the new American dream.”

Of course, the both of THEM have worked since they were 12– no, make that 10! years old, so they are just bastions of a strong work ethic.

Guess I'm at the age now (46) where I've decided I won't silently rage at performative stupidity like this… so I turned around and said “Tell me more about this free money the government's giving out? Where can I get some?”

Cue incredulous looks and the response from the man that our state's governor is “giving out rent money” and the federal government is “paying people not to work.” All I could do was shake my head and respond that they didn't know what they were talking about. Would loved to have said that if they were so concerned about the long lines at the post office, they should step right up to the desk and fill out a job application. Also, if your characterization of waiting in line for 5 minutes is “suffering,”… WOW, you're are soft as baby poo.

Not sure this post had much of a point other than me venting, but I would love to have some quick comebacks for next time. Grrrrr

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