
Artist and creator union/protection organization?

Obligatory “not from English speaking country” and writing this at 4am, so please excuse my broken grammar. I live in a country with lot of young people grinding their art skill to sell commission which take many day to finish at a cost of daily minimum wage or unlivable wage. And client always asking for lower price from these amateur and professional artist. Some artist have their own fictional logo stolen by big name red movie app. Weekly manga artist and manhwa artist crunching panel and panel with not enough assistant result in many fall ill enough they cannot sit upright anymore (HxH), suspend their work (Ruri dragon) or died. Visual effect artist having only few week to complete a flashy blockbuster movie while have the said movie studio screwed them over with impossible deadline and not so fair paid. And more. Many people enjoy art in many form. From…

Obligatory “not from English speaking country” and writing this at 4am, so please excuse my broken grammar.

I live in a country with lot of young people grinding their art skill to sell commission which take many day to finish at a cost of daily minimum wage or unlivable wage. And client always asking for lower price from these amateur and professional artist.

Some artist have their own fictional logo stolen by big name red movie app. Weekly manga artist and manhwa artist crunching panel and panel with not enough assistant result in many fall ill enough they cannot sit upright anymore (HxH), suspend their work (Ruri dragon) or died.

Visual effect artist having only few week to complete a flashy blockbuster movie while have the said movie studio screwed them over with impossible deadline and not so fair paid.

And more.

Many people enjoy art in many form. From manga to movie to good GUI of an app. But I never heard of any kind of protection organization for artist and creator or freelancer, which lot of artist operating as (at least in my country). And lot of people who do art nowadays are working in condition that made them vulnerable to being rip off by the one who hire them


  1. Are there an protection organization or union for artist, creator and freelancer in your country

  2. Are there a way to make sure that people get paid fair, even for amateur creator who just take their first job

  3. Will there be a way to improve artist life quality, and financial security. Especially for health emergency or in an event that art department being let go first (like during covid time where budget being cut)

As a friend of many professional and amateur artist, and as someone who do art myself even if not for money. I want to see people of art industry have better work condition and quality than what we have and know of right now

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