
As an Australian, reading this subreddit makes me sick

Just seeing the abhorrent treatment of workers in the US on this sub, it's absolutely insane! I've seen a lot of discourse online about whether or not fast food etc. type workers deserve $15 an hour (roughly $22 AUD an hour), and it literally doesn't sound real to me. I've worked retail since I was 16 and have been earning that since I was 18 and at 21 I am currently earning $28 AUD an hour (19 USD) working retail. That's just on the hourly rate, don't even get me started on the awful handling of the pandemic. I was working as a cinema clerk when the pandemic hit, I was 18 years old (turning 19) and I got a stimulus payment of $1500 AUD when we shut down. That was actually $1500 AUD a fortnight for a full 12 months, even after we had reopened for business. And Americans…

Just seeing the abhorrent treatment of workers in the US on this sub, it's absolutely insane!

I've seen a lot of discourse online about whether or not fast food etc. type workers deserve $15 an hour (roughly $22 AUD an hour), and it literally doesn't sound real to me. I've worked retail since I was 16 and have been earning that since I was 18 and at 21 I am currently earning $28 AUD an hour (19 USD) working retail. That's just on the hourly rate, don't even get me started on the awful handling of the pandemic.

I was working as a cinema clerk when the pandemic hit, I was 18 years old (turning 19) and I got a stimulus payment of $1500 AUD when we shut down. That was actually $1500 AUD a fortnight for a full 12 months, even after we had reopened for business. And Americans got a few one off payments? Literally hurts my heart to hear that.

What about at-will states? It's so insanely fucked up that this even exists, how the fuck are workers meant to feel protected or safe when they can be sacked for looking at their bosses the right way? This subreddit has really opened up my eyes to how lucky we have it in Aus, and I'm extending my greatest sympathies to the US workers who have to deal with the absolutely insane bullshit I'v seen on this subreddit.

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