
As LoNg As It’S nOt CoViD yOu CaN cOmE iN

No-I work with toddlers. If I’m sick, COVID or not, I should not be coming in. I don’t want to get my kids or coworkers sick. I tested in the morning as soon as I came in because I had all COVID symptoms aside from a fever/the worst cold I’ve ever had. Here’s how it went: Me: hey, can I take a test? I have a sore throat, headache, overall aches, stomach ache, bad dry cough, congestion, and feel a lot more tired than usual. Boss1: of course! Here you go boss 2 walks in and sees the test Boss2: Oh no! You feeling okay? Boss1(before I could respond): Yeah, she’s got a headache so she’s testing. At this point I was too tired and sick to even correct her. But my mouth was AGAPE under my mask. Unbelievable. Anyways it came back negative (after only waiting 8 of the…

No-I work with toddlers. If I’m sick, COVID or not, I should not be coming in. I don’t want to get my kids or coworkers sick.

I tested in the morning as soon as I came in because I had all COVID symptoms aside from a fever/the worst cold I’ve ever had. Here’s how it went:

Me: hey, can I take a test? I have a sore throat, headache, overall aches, stomach ache, bad dry cough, congestion, and feel a lot more tired than usual.

Boss1: of course! Here you go

boss 2 walks in and sees the test

Boss2: Oh no! You feeling okay?

Boss1(before I could respond): Yeah, she’s got a headache so she’s testing.

At this point I was too tired and sick to even correct her. But my mouth was AGAPE under my mask. Unbelievable.

Anyways it came back negative (after only waiting 8 of the 15 minutes) and my boss happily said, “Great! You can stay!” Roughed it out and stayed as far away from the kids as I could without completely neglecting my job. Called the fuck out the next day though.

We’ve had four positive cases in students and 1 teacher in 2 weeks so of course I’m worried it’s Covid. I’ve been testing religiously and all negative thankfully but that doesn’t negate the fact that I’m sick and can easily get the kids sick.


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