
As soon as my manager gets in I’m putting my in my 2 weeks notice..

..and it's going to be an interesting day. For some context, I've been working here for about a month shy of 8 years. I'm the only person working in my department – everything comes through and is done by me – and I'm fairly certain (we have another location in a close by city) I'm the only person in this company who can correctly do my job to the companies specifications. A few months ago I sat my manager down and explained to him that I need a pay increase. I told him “after almost 8 years I'm making $1.25 more an hour than the day I got hired. I'm losing money staying here due to inflation. I have to move out of my apartment I've lived in for over half a decade because every year rent goes up and my pay doesn't. And I don't want to threaten, but…

..and it's going to be an interesting day.
For some context, I've been working here for about a month shy of 8 years. I'm the only person working in my department – everything comes through and is done by me – and I'm fairly certain (we have another location in a close by city) I'm the only person in this company who can correctly do my job to the companies specifications.
A few months ago I sat my manager down and explained to him that I need a pay increase.
I told him “after almost 8 years I'm making $1.25 more an hour than the day I got hired. I'm losing money staying here due to inflation. I have to move out of my apartment I've lived in for over half a decade because every year rent goes up and my pay doesn't. And I don't want to threaten, but if I'm not going to make more here I need to find it somewhere else.”
He agreed with me that I should make more and he's going to work on making that happen, I never doubted him, he's a good dude. We're a smallish family owned business and the owner is very tight with the purse strings.
No pay increase so far and a couple times he'd come up to me and say “I'm still working on that thing we talked about, but you know how Owner is.”
Yesterday I got a job offer. Same industry, which I love, higher pay and in a higher position. Yeah I know it's still work and all but progress.
So today I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice (sorry, I can't just ghost them for screwing me for years. It's not in my nature) and something tells me Owner is all of sudden going to find some money to give me in order to stay. Highly doubt I'll take him up on that offer.
Sorry for the long post and if anyone is interested I'll update on what happens next.

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