
Asked for a raise. It backfired.

I have been working at this small company for several years and never asked for a raise before (always made minimum, only got increases with min. wage increases). I was given the option to go full-time earlier this year, and to fill my day up when it’s slow (I hate being bored) I have been picking up more responsibilities from the Office Manager. I decided after several months of acting like an Assistant Manager, I should ask my boss for a $2 raise. He agreed, effective immediately, but with stipulations that include “not communicating with Office Manager,” even though I have to in order to do my job… it feels like I am intentionally being set up to fail. I asked for clarification from the OM, who says it’s bulls**t, and that a lack of communication (without an increase in decision-making authority on my part) would hurt both of our…

I have been working at this small company for several years and never asked for a raise before (always made minimum, only got increases with min. wage increases). I was given the option to go full-time earlier this year, and to fill my day up when it’s slow (I hate being bored) I have been picking up more responsibilities from the Office Manager. I decided after several months of acting like an Assistant Manager, I should ask my boss for a $2 raise. He agreed, effective immediately, but with stipulations that include “not communicating with Office Manager,” even though I have to in order to do my job… it feels like I am intentionally being set up to fail.

I asked for clarification from the OM, who says it’s bulls**t, and that a lack of communication (without an increase in decision-making authority on my part) would hurt both of our abilities to do our jobs.

How is this beneficial to the company? Should I counter with amendments to those stipulations — like being granted more authority to make decisions (promotion) or to increase the # of times each week we are allowed to communicate — or refuse the increase and it’s conditions altogether?

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