
Asking for my SO — Is an employer who constantly changes official schedule postings last minute without worker consent & forces someone to come in violating any laws? What laws are they? And are they reportable?

For context, both myself and my significant other lives in Texas. I quit my old workplace — a fast-food chain that mainly operates in a few Southern US states. The quit was due to… basically everything! And I got a job nearby. However, my SO & I are tied in terms of daily transportation in car-centric US, so he’s been stuck working there while we figure things out. One of the reasons I quit was constant schedule changes the day I have work or thought was an off day, only to be forced to come in. Or my manager FORCING me to cover for my SO (due to us dating and not being notified I have any events outside of work on an OFF DAY) on a number of occasions that my SO has gotten sick. My old employer currently: Puts out the schedule for my SO & everyone else,…

For context, both myself and my significant other lives in Texas. I quit my old workplace — a fast-food chain that mainly operates in a few Southern US states. The quit was due to… basically everything! And I got a job nearby.

However, my SO & I are tied in terms of daily transportation in car-centric US, so he’s been stuck working there while we figure things out.

One of the reasons I quit was constant schedule changes the day I have work or thought was an off day, only to be forced to come in. Or my manager FORCING me to cover for my SO (due to us dating and not being notified I have any events outside of work on an OFF DAY) on a number of occasions that my SO has gotten sick.

My old employer currently:

Puts out the schedule for my SO & everyone else, realizes he was forgetful and made a blunder on hours scheduled, and calls my SO during the day. He’s stopped asking if my SO can come in an hour or a few early, and just basically says “This is your schedule. Have you seen the schedule change I’ve made?” Which he has done to me while working there & when faced with a “No,” would beg. For my SO, he basically expects it.

I know in a few states, that would be a clear labor violation. However, Texas is a red state and barely has any legal worker’s protections (to my understanding).

If it counts: My SO has been made to work full day shifts — 10 or 11 hours at a time — with no break. I tried searching up state laws to see if they are violating any rules. Apparently, from my understanding, TX has no protections mandating employers be required to give workers a break.

He can’t quit yet, and it sucks he can’t. But we’re working towards it.

Is there anything we can do legally?

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