
Assistant store manager asked me why do I “even come into work” and I didn’t have an answer.

Our store is getting a visit from our corporate overlords today, and so the assistant store manager was walking around, making sure all the hatches were battened, rugs in place, Ts crossed and whatnot. He checks on my department, sees one worker up front on the meat slicers, one in the back working on platters, and me, frying chicken. “Where's (department manager)?” 'He comes in at noon.' “So it's just the three of you this morning?” '…yup' (this is pretty common for us) “Man, I don't even know why you guys come into work; but I appreciate all your hard work, keeping this place going.”

Our store is getting a visit from our corporate overlords today, and so the assistant store manager was walking around, making sure all the hatches were battened, rugs in place, Ts crossed and whatnot.

He checks on my department, sees one worker up front on the meat slicers, one in the back working on platters, and me, frying chicken.

“Where's (department manager)?”

'He comes in at noon.'

“So it's just the three of you this morning?”

'…yup' (this is pretty common for us)

“Man, I don't even know why you guys come into work; but I appreciate all your hard work, keeping this place going.”

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