So here’s some context. About 3 years ago me and my family were evicted from our house. It took a heavy toll on us for a bit but we eventually found a better place to live for the time being. To help make ends meet I decided to apply for the corner store that’s up the road. I knew the people there and figured it would be a good experience and help bring in some money. In a lot of ways it helped. To folks in the community I am the best at making pizzas and sandwiches and have been working my ass off to make them ever since.
Recently there have been many problems with the owner of the store. Let’s call her Janice. She has not only the store she manages but also a realty business on top of other things in her life she’s barely has time for. She and her husband are going through a bad divorce because of issues relating to the store impacting their personal lives. She occasionally will take it out on me and my co worker because we’re an easy outlet. She also constantly states how unbelievably busy and stressed she is despite rarely showing it. The store is pretty much going under and I do not expect it to last by next year since the town is a drug infested shit hole. She knows she is going to have to sell it eventually but doesn’t wanna admit it
Getting to the point of this. I asked for two days at the end of the month off as it is my niece’s 14th birthday and my family is doing a cabin retreat. My father had a bad health scare earlier in the year and my grandpa died recently. So family is kind of a priority, and of course my niece is getting older so quickly and I do not wanna miss a beat. My co worker said he has no issue working the two dates with the owner and the next day by himself. Well I told Janice about it and she basically accused me of going behind her back wanting days off despite just wanting to check with my coworker first before taking to her. She said I also showed an attitude towards her by saying this as well. I asked her about him watching the store by himself that day since I have done the same on numerous occasions, but her response was “I can’t just do that to him” reminder this guy does most of the orders, inventory and cleaning in the store while she occasionally does office work for 2 hours a day it feels and fucks off gossiping to regulars at the store. I would normally say “I am not coming in these days, if you have a problem you can fuck off” but this woman I do believe is a caring person who wants this store to succeed but it is a lost cause. She also helped me at a shitty part of my life and I do not wanna be that level of harsh to her. I would like some input here