
At will state specifics?

I live in an at will state and from my very limited knowledge that means my job is able to just fire me when they want? I work at Home Depot which already has suspicious practices such as my ASM telling me I'm not allowed to discuss pay with fellow associates. I've been tempted for forever to just tell them that its protected to discuss but I'm now realizing that could just get me dropped due to my state being at-will. What does at will mean exactly? Can they really just randomly let me go without a reason?

I live in an at will state and from my very limited knowledge that means my job is able to just fire me when they want? I work at Home Depot which already has suspicious practices such as my ASM telling me I'm not allowed to discuss pay with fellow associates. I've been tempted for forever to just tell them that its protected to discuss but I'm now realizing that could just get me dropped due to my state being at-will.

What does at will mean exactly? Can they really just randomly let me go without a reason?

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