Author: Olivia
I QUIT MY JOB!! (Final part)
Antiwork is anti sanctions
Last year my workplace went into a (non union) negotiation with our boss. We do service work and like a lot of retail and customer service jobs didn't quite have enough support for a union because of the trauma and scars from a failed attempt to unionize a few years ago. Like clockwork the cashiers and phone workers were shamed and guilt tripped because “it's really disrespectful to the warehouse and the farmers int he third world who don't make as much as you all do right now”. I went ahead and looked more into where our bosses were even referring to. Turns out a lot of the places have VERY low wages and it made me think of some political education I got 2 years ago economic sanctions as a cause of lower wages in the underdeveloped. A lot of folks talk about economic sanctions as an abstract concept…
If you’re rich then you can avoid some things. And it may look better on the outside, but on the inside its just as bad.
Why this forum complains about the plight of the employee but it never ever pushes for people to start their own businesses so that they can determine terms as they see fit? It is like people are expecting someone to magically wave a wand and fix all their workplace grievances but that isn't realistic. You all will be long in the ground before someone fixes your workplace grievances and compensation.
I have been a member of the antiwork subreddit for a while, and share your concerns about how working lives are developing! I would like to conduct research on this topic; alternatives, how to change the system of exploitation. Would you potentially be interested in participating in such research (interviews, questionnaires – sharing you experiences)?
A thought experiment for you all.
What is your job, how much do you make, and if you were being honest with yourself about what you bring to the table, how much do you think you should make? THEN Name a job from a completely different industry and guess how much they make, how much you think they should make, and what they bring or do not bring to the table in your view.