I started a job as a nurse manager of surgical services at a small hospital recently. It was my first leadership position and my director of surgical services seemed like she was going to be a great mentor to me. So color me surprised when shortly after starting, she announced that her last day was in three weeks. Well shit… The hospital had another director lined up, but she wouldn't be starting for another 6 weeks. So here I was, a new manager with no experience and only minimal training trying to keep a ship afloat in choppy waters while doing both my job and my director's. Administration (CNO, CFO, etc.) Promised up and down that I would have all the support I needed, but it was literally the 3rd day after the director left before I had the CFO chewing me out for over staffing. fast forward to the…
Author: Olivia
I’m a legal secretary. I make $70,000 and I get 6 weeks of PTO.
Even if you're in high-school, don't let corporations devalue the work being done. You're a human being. You deserve dignity, a safe work environment and pay that covers more than just your car and gas. These are 10 places to try first: https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/business-news/10-companies-that-pay-workers-15-an-hour-or-more/ Edit: I'm just trying to come up with solutions while we wait for “Club Epstien” politicians to pass things that help NON-members. Any and all reccomendations for solutions for immediate improvement are welcome and will be passed along to those needing said solutions.
I'm a writer professionally and so I make a pretty penny making sentences prettier. It's how I pay the bills. Yesterday, my partner comes to me and says her company has a advertisement for the newspaper and showed me the proposed wording. Honestly? It read like somebody ran Russian through a Japanese translator and then into English. It was, brutally speaking, illiterate and nonsensical. It was word salad with no meaning. It was borderline “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” levels of bad. And the problem with it being illiterate is my partner works for an organization that claims to be an educational institution. So the risk here is announcing to the world in an advert that you don't understand the basics of sentence structure. Anyway, I offered to rewrite the advert for her. About 10-20 minutes later I had a much better text that made sense and a…
Random tech recruiter from an agency reaches out to me. Says he works with various tech companies to help build their teams, and he has multiple opportunities that he thinks might be a fit for me. Recruiter asks if I have time to chat. I tell him that before we chat, I'd like to see the actual job descriptions and the companies for those positions. If I find any interesting, then I'd love to chat. He declines saying that he doesn't know my interests, and really wants to talk. I tell him that I don't have anything to talk about unless I see something that's interesting. He refuses to go any further and ends with that he doesn't like working this way, as “there will be no trust throughout the process.” Hey dumbass recruiter, you reached out to me first. Why don't you show a little trust instead of wasting…
For context: Marriott is worth 54.9 billion US dollars. 1000 Bonovy points costs customers about $500 to earn, when Marriott only needs to dish out about $5.50 for that same amount. So they want hourly associates, the donate the points they've earned spending money at Marriott, so that Marriott can donate whats essentially pocket change to the company AND get a tax break off of it lol. If you wanted to do a good thing, you should've just done it. https://preview.redd.it/gnl7ylrxofl81.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=387737b2debc8dcc86e79ef8d5433547ed39b3fc
$25 dollars per hour is just slightly over 50k annual before taxes here in 2022. After Taxes it's 44,000 After Insurance it's 38,000 After Rent/Mortgage it's closer to 20,000 That's 54 dollars per day left over for 3 meals, utilities for a dwelling, a car, gas, parking, car insurance, car maintenance, copays, overdraft fees, late fees, you're not rich enough fees. Not to mention netflix, date night, beers with the boys, vacations, CELL PHONE, 3 other streaming services, maybe a dessert/soda/treat once in a while, clothing and shoes, hygiene items, dog food, vet bills. God forbid someone would want to turn on the AC for too long or drink anything but water for these 365 days we have each year to divide and decide how to use our income best so that we can maintain basic human necessities.
The response proves my point
Fuck this god damn system
Years 1-18 spend half your day memorizing shit you’ll forget later Years 18-22 hopefully do the same except pay large sums of money you don’t have 22-death slave away doing something probably completely unrelated to what you spend good money you didn’t have to maybe pay it off eventually. Maybe bring another person into the suffering. Maybe you’ll get a few hours to your fucking self at the end of the day to sit around and watch YouTube videos about places you’ll never go because half your fucking money goes to rent paying some parasite half your check. All for what? To aquire more shit you hope makes you happy? We’re living on one planet in one solar system 1 galaxy out of billions of galaxies. You can’t tell me I can’t find something fucking better to do than sit around and enter some numbers on a computer for 8…