Author: Olivia
How to not become “unpromotable”?
Every job I’ve had, I’ve become that “go to” person that knows everything, has seen everything, can fix everything. I come in on time, am rarely sick, try to schedule my vacation days with plenty of notice. Essentially, I’m always the office “ol’reliable”. I always thought this was a good thing – buckling down, learning my job, being a low maintenance employee – every managers dream, right? But I’ve started to notice a pattern, and I’ve seen plenty of posts here of the same, I almost always get passed up for a promotion because I’m “too valuable” where I’m at (but when I ask for my pay to reflect that value, they say “ha, no” and then I’m back job hunting). I’m at that point now, where I’ve been told I’m not making any more money and I’m not going anywhere so – how do I prevent this from happening…
A couple months ago I left a non union job because management severely underpaid me, but expected me to do more work with no pay bumps. When I even asked for a raise they looked at me like I didn't deserve it even though I kept the company afloat for a few years while management was sitting on their phones shopping on the clock for their personal lives. Anyways ended up quitting when they hired a new person to micromanage me because it was their best friend. They claimed they didn't haven't enough money to give me a raise, but management was able to give a newly created position to their best friend. When I left I found out they were 2 years behind on taxes, but somehow was able to purchase a $2m building for expansion. I don't get it. Now I'm apart of union in a new job…
WTF does ‘entry level’ mean now…
Found this in the wild on a job search. I’m losing hope.
So like I say things like “unfortunately, our policy is to record all business calls.” Or, “I wish I could help you but unfortunately, corporate has my hands tied.” Why should big corporations be the only ones to hide behind sweeping policy and not be held accountable for thier actions and outcomes. So, the most recent job I had as a part time stocker. My hours are pretty set in stone and the one manager I dont really speak to “asked” (told) me I have to work truck day because staffing or whatever. I say I cant and shes all like “out policy says yadda yadda yadda”… I'm like. “I'm terribly sorry. I really want to help. You know I do! But our policy is that we have to charge (blank) per hour extra for working that day.(theres a reason). I'm excited to try it on a cop next time…
Got let go for calling boss out.
So I recently started a new teaching position at a small independent music school. To preface, I met with the manager a couple months ago to tour the facility get a lay of the land. I ended up not taking the position right away as I was booked to do some extensive traveling for another job that I also work. The manager thought it might not be a good fit for the time being since my schedule was pretty packed at the time. No harm no foul, just wasn’t the right timing A couple weeks later the manager reaches out again asking if I would still be interested a position and that they would be willing to work with my schedule. I told them that once my traveling schedule clears, I would be happy to make something work. I told them great and that I would be available mid to…
The current role I'm in, the training was god awful. It was 12 weeks of just nonsense that made very little sense and when you would ask questions for clarity they would be vague and then just move on. 12 weeks of vague training and just “it will make sense in a couple weeks” The managers are even worse. Ive been in this job for 6 months now, each time I have a one to one with my manager, they ask if there is anything they can do. When I say yeah and ask a question about something learned in training, They sigh and just say “just wait a couple months it will make sense sooner or later” and basically brush of my question. I loathe this place it feels like one big circle of half assed training manuals and people who have no business being managers or trainers.
I work in sales and am overall actually pretty happy with my job but this year I have basically been managing and doing a lot of extra tasks and responsibilities that is by no means a part of my role, I am basically running the store and have been since Feb. I have always talked about and hinted at managing but it just always feels like an expectation with no financial incentive. I'm not formally trained but I've worked there long enough to do well. I understand that to move up in a company you have to show your value but now coming up to 6 months it's getting annoying. Has anyone had positive experiences with this or am I chasing the carrot 🥕
It's been nearly a year since I was fired from my previous job. I had been there two years if that mattered. I was called into loss prevention because I admitted to a coworker I had eaten a smore from a box of merchandise the park was planning on selling to guests. The guy whose job it was to unload these boxes heard me and reported me. So at the end of my shift the next day a supervisor walks me over to loss prevention and I know I'm in deep shit for it. I'm nervous because I had no clue what they were going to do to me. They immediately recognize I look nervous and start to take advantage of that. First, they explain to me what loss prevention is and what they do and ask me “if I'd like someone to sit in on this meeting” but neglected…