Author: Olivia
I was with a company for 3.5 years. I left on good terms. They owe me roughly 2200.00 of back pay and did not reimburse me for my laptop shipping costs either. Nobody will respond to any emails. Is there anyone that knows of a good contact to actually reach Dept. of Labor or any other resources? I can't sue due to 'paperwork' so that option is out. Thanks!
Job Reference
Would anyone be willing to be put down as a reference? I am needing a reference as this is my first job and the college I attend is closed down for the holidays and I cant ask for one from there! (UK based)
Is multiple interviews the norm now?
I’m managing a healthcare clinic for $18/he and I went through 3 interviews just to get this job. I really don’t like it so I’m actively looking for something else and I’ve had 9 interviews between the 3 jobs I’ve applied for- none of which I got. What the hell is going on here? It’s not like Im applying to develop AI for Google or a CFO position. These are basically minimum wage roles.
It was incredibly awkward since I was in the middle of answering a question. He apologized and said it was important. I’m still not sure what to make of it and if it’s a sign it’s not worth my time working there.
Is it normal practice to schedule employees 8-10 day work weeks just for an employee to take a vacation on select day off? Every time with my current employer partakes of this practice and it is old. I often end up calling out by day six or seven due to physical exhaustion. I am taking five days off and being punished with a ten day work week.
Vacation in a month and new job
So I recently had a interview in June with a limited term full time state job (9 month job). It’s a “dream job” minus the limited part in regards to my work responsibilities. I hardly mention vacation during interviews unless it’s going to be very upcoming and I feel a offer will be made on the spot in fear of getting them mad. I had to wait for a background check since the offer was contingent, again I don’t want to wait to long to tell them but I don’t want them to get pissed off to early, today I just heard by email I passed everything and they want me to start July 24th. That’s fine with me, I do have a week vacation I had already plan though right before Labor Day leading into it, so I would assume it’s good idea for me now to accept the…
On Wednesday I found out some disgusting stuff was going on with my then boyfriend and my family helped me pack my stuff and move out of our shared apartment while he was at work that night. I told my boss that day at around 6pm that I would need a few days off bc I was going through something personal. I texted him saying that and then he called me. I answered the phone while bawling my eyes out and he asked me what was going on and I said I didn't want to talk about it. He tried to pressure me into coming to work but I said there would be no way I'd be able to until at least Monday. The night I packed everything up I was awake for 32 hours straight. I'm not gonna go into all the other details but basically I was a…
Resigning with 1 week notice
I work in an abusive place in NYC and I got a job offer in another place which I have already accepted. I gave a 1 week notice to my current job and my boss threatened to sue me and get the legal department involved unless I stay for another week (2 weeks total). I’ve looked into the company policy and it says in the resignations protocols that the employee must give a written advance notice for 10 working days. Can they sue me if I leave like this? Am I getting in trouble?
I came back from a weekend trip with a cabin right next to a river, and tall magnificent trees with a gorgeous view you can’t beat. Now I am back at work and feeling depressed again. Outside I feel freedom and happiness. I feel alive, but the moment I step foot into the corporate building with their bright florescent lights, I start to feel dead inside again. Some people say the solution is to just change jobs, but realistically the same feeling will creep up eventually. It’s hard to find a job you love that also pays well. I feel such sadness inside, thinking about having to live the rest of my life inside a corporate building and being harassed by management no matter how hard you work. I can’t work towards a house or a family. It’s just survival at this point. I’m so unfulfilled and tired of working…