
I got laid off in January due to injury. Now I’m taking a $18,000/year pay cut

I was previously working a very rigorous warehouse job that was destroying my health. I made over $57,000 a year plus generous benefits. I felt rich some weeks. I could buy nicer food at the grocery store, I could more easily indulge in my hobbies monetarily (though not physically or emotionally…), if something was wrong with the car I could go get it fixed without worrying about it, I could invest in nice new clothes and home goods instead of buying everything from thrift stores, and I started going to school again and work was paying all my tuition. But my repetitive stress injuries were killing me. Despite a year of occupational therapy and another year of physical therapy, I couldn't keep up. I was in physical pain every day, and even simple tasks like brushing my teeth or driving were painful. I saw a neurologist who said I couldn't…



I was hired last year at a health clinic to do marketing for the center. With 8 years of experience, I was an easy canidate, but little did i know i would be managed by a Marketing Director with ZERO marketing experience. Yesterday my boss, the Director of Marketing, asked me, the Marketing Specialist, what a press release was. Not because she needed clarification, but because she honestly had no clue at all what it was or it's purpose. 🤨 Yeah, I'm outta here.


Toronto landlord says she is working four jobs after tenants refuse to pay rent. Not sure if this belonged here, but it feels like it does.


Work 26 hours a week, 4 days, and i think this is about perfect.

Make only about 1559 a month, but my rent is only 390€ is very much like on a wendsday, you are, oh yeah, its the last day of the week tomorrow. Talked to a bunch of relatives who do the 8-4 grind, make double, they are so goddamn jelous, would possibly take a pay hit if they could work 4 day week. (and still make the 3 free days a month usable when ever per month, total of 36 free days a year) Edit: would like to say how awesome my boss is, you dont need to stress about this job, when i started made a lot of mistakes made sure i knew no problem, take none of this home. Just from the start like nice guy. And kept it. 100% treated me as an equal, as human. Take note, now that is how you build loyalty.


Starbucks Attempting To Force Out Union Leaders At Buffalo Stores


Boycott oil

Reduce use by as much as you can! It’ll save you money and maybe if enough of us join forces, we can show them who’s really in charge of the market: the people.


Taiwan raids 8 Chinese tech companies over alleged talent poaching


Some Understaffed PetSmarts Are Dealing With Freezers Overflowing With Dead Pets


Happened many years ago – I threw my application at the manager.

Years ago I was living in the valley outside Los Angeles. I applied for a job as a server at a restaurant. I asked if it was ok to fill out the application there rather than take it home and return. (I was smart to choose 3pm, so the restaurant would be empty) They said it was ok. As I was filling out the application one of the servers came up to the manager and told her some kind of bad news. The manager began freaking out, yelling obscenities at her and calling her stupid. I wadded up my application and threw it at the manager. I told her, “I'm not working for a piece of shit that talks to people like that. Fuck you.” I walked out, never returned. They went under and are a different restaurant now. (IIRC they were called Ciciley's – now it's called Public School…


I was disgustingly loyal to a company for *ten years* and finally set boundaries and got fired for it, AMA.