My friend works at a university, staff not a teacher. They got an email saying everyone was getting a $1000 bonus, which you know is taxable. At the end of the email, the chancellor said I'm donating mine to the scholarship program and I encourage anyone else with the means to donate some or all of it. She does not have the means and I'm betting a lot of other people don't either. She thought since they see donations that it would look bad if she didn't. I say screw them, if they wanted donations they should've just taken the money and donated it in the name of the staff, which also is a complete write off.
Author: Olivia
Capitalism sucks
You are not a capitalist. You are a worker. Without you working, this system will remorselessly starve & kill you. Nobody will even notice, they will step right over you as you plead from your cardboard sign. If you pay bills with money from a paycheck, no matter what you drive or wear or fuck: you are a worker. You might be an extremely well-compensated worker who is able to obtain a premium for selling literal fragments of your finite existence, but you are still a worker. Do you enjoy having no control over your daily life while some bastard far away extracts & hordes nearly all the wealth you produce just to cruise on a yacht? Do something about it. Tell the others. MAKE A PLAN.
I worked at a big box retailer in a college town on their late afternoon/evening crew. Part of our duties was unloading the nightly delivery trucks. We were all scheduled 40 hrs, but sometimes the trucks would take a little longer to unload. So, if we were due out at a certain time, but the trucks weren't fully unloaded, we stayed until they were. If we hit OT, we were paid for it, so it wasn't really an issue… Until it was. We got a new kid on the crew (let's call him Scott). Scott was nice and a decent worker, but he didn't work a full 40 hr schedule because he was a student. When Scott's shift was over, he was gone. Didn't matter if the truck was done or not. It didn't bother us because we had enough guys on the team to cover, Scott was nice, worked…