
My boss says we’re all overpaid.

Im sitting here listening to him talking to a factory rep(we’re a GM dealership) and he’s telling the guy that his whole department(service) is over paid and a bunch of divas. My last day is the 18th. So glad to be out of here.


I quit today bc a few weeks ago my boss told me I needed to “heal” after a coworker was k*lled @ work n I called the company out on their BS. I’ll go “heal” all the way out of this position.


Just wanted to leave this here

I see a LOT of white collars making 100+k a year on this sub. That's fine. Just know the reality for most Americans. As of 2018, 50% of Americans in the workforce had a net income of 32,000 or less, including contributions to retirement plans as part of that #. If you're wondering why we're in such dire circumstances, there's your answer. Also, it appears that 71% of Americans made less than 52,000 net, including employer contributions to retirement plans as “income.” There aren't 75,000,000 “better jobs” for half of America. Sorry.


quick rant: boss is shaming me for not having open availability.

i’m a farm worker april-november, this is work i find very fulfilling and honestly i’d do it no matter how much i was paid (as long as i could afford to keep paying my student loans lol). but for the winter, i’ve gone back to a part time retail job at a liquor store, where i’ve worked before. within the first week of texting the boss and asking if he needed any extra help, i gave him a rough sense of my availability, which includes very limited weekend hours. i chose to limit my availability because my boyfriend and i have made a point to set several winter weekends aside to spend time together and go on little trips. we live an hour away from each other, and due to the seasonal nature of both our jobs, we’ll have quite limited time together in the warmer months. anyway, i made…


Simple life hack (This is a satire!)


Please stop replacing a living wage with pizza parties and cupcakes…


Because of that dumb FOX interview, a lot of young and tired workers are now just seen as lazy by boomers

Thanks, just thanks. Thanks for depowering disgruntled and overworked individuals who point out work flaws. Because of the interview everyone here knows about, boomers around my area now see anyone who isn't working or able to work for good reason, as lazy. Like they should put up with bad management. They should put up with unforgiving scheduling. They should put up with an unfair work environment. And if someone were to say something about it – they're classified as lazy. So thanks a ton… /s


If there’s going to be a trucker convoy in the US …can you all at least make it about something important like the wages or health care?

I've been reading and seeing news stories that there are plans for a convoy in the US, similar to what is happening in Canada. The thing is, most mask mandates here are being dropped by states and the Federal vaccine mandate for large companies has been dropped. So, if there is going to be a convoy style protest can they make it about something that actually affects everyone? Protest for higher wages. Protest for National Health Care. Don't protest for something that is no longer an issue. Just a thought. Note: I feel bad for the people in Canada who are being held hostage by truckers….keep the protest moving and let people live their lives.


One of the biggest catalysts of inflation is corporate greed


Not sure if many of you know, but Mexico is the country that works the most hours in the world and also has one of the least benefits and worst salaries