
My first post

I've followed this subreddit for months and this is the first place I've had the lady balls to speak out in. I'm really not even sure if this is the appropriate sub, but I'm curious about something. I'm just shy of 31 years old and have 15 years or customer service/retail exp under my belt and I'm fucking done. For the entirety of 2021 I was a store manager in a tea shop and thought, “Finally, I've made it. I deserve this. I've earned it.” It was fucking bullshit. Having my handful of employees constantly upset and coming to me for this and that (mostly drama), upset about their pay (which I had zero control over), and never truly having say about how I ran things because the owner had another store just an hour away and was constantly up my ass. I was never offered salary despite constantly taking…


This is just a rant I wanted to type. Please let me know if you feel the same because I seem to be losing my mind.

As a 22-year-old college student, I am staring graduation in the face and preparing to enter the workforce. I felt like I did everything right. I got a 4.0 throughout my college years held multiple internships and a job during college. Everything was supposed to come together. At first, I was very excited to pave my way. I began applying for employment with an over-the-top amount of enthusiasm. However, over the next six months, my excitement has started to change. I interviewed for countless jobs and was told the same thing. Either they did not want me, wanted me to work insane hours, or offered me enough money to sit near the poverty line. Many jobs even ask for me to work for six months to a year unpaid before considering me. (Sounds insane, I know, but I am sure many others my age will agree) I began to feel…


Only time leaving a company felt this good…

I worked for for a previous employer for nearly 9 years. It was union work and I spent 4 years of my apprenticeship with him and was a foreman for 5 years after that. He was an asshole on purpose to so many people… but, because I just so happen to be autistic at being a foreman (almost literally), he made a metric sh*t ton of money off of me; so he left me alone. It was nice to have him on my side when the superintendents and/or engineers wanted to push me around but I hated how he treated some of his own guys. I tried to protect them as much as possible but he loved to constantly stir up sh*t for no reason. For example, we started a new project which requires us to demolish (demo) a lot of the existing building first. The superintendent, who had been…


Found on a post asking about why we don’t talk about wages. A wild manager appears to explain why we’re wrong, and that it’s not malicious, while also casually admitting to ignoring labor laws and insulting the people they manage.


I thought this belonged here. Sad to read but glad people are speaking.


Forced to provide proof of my mothers sudden death

Is this normal? I called my boss in tears and he fucking acted as if i was lying and was so condescending. He said that if i want time off i need to send him a copy of the obituary or else ill be layed off for refusing to work. That has to be illegal right? Idk what to do


Woman quits job over Walmart loudspeaker


Found on FML. Not sure why these people didn’t just leave. No pay = no work.


College Degree, 39, and can’t find job cleaning toilets

I worked in finance for several years per my degree. I wanted to go back to school for data science, couldn't afford to finish. Due to the gap this created in my resume no one will hire me. Mostly my old job doesn't exist anymore and for the most similar jobs there is always another candidate. I can't find a job at all in my field. I tried signing up for government sponsored career counseling, no one will write me back and everything is remote so there is no office to go to. I have been looking for jobs as a home cook and house cleaner, and no one will hire me. I don't have experience. My service job for which the boss doesn't pay us the hours we clock in for, has seen a huge reduction in pay. I can't complain my hours were cut because he never paid…


Solid example of how a hospital loses nursing staff (University of Maryland Medical System – Baltimore area)