Author: Olivia
The main character dies from murder and they make him go back to work.
What a gesture
This is how my job celebrated someone’s 5 years…
you can probably take a look at my other post from my previous job. i feel as if every job i have taken within the past 2 years has been consistently horrible whether it be pay, hours, management, workplace environment, work-life balance, etc. i don’t like to view myself as picky when it comes to jobs, but i’d like to take into consideration that i enjoy being treated fairly and working in a job that i enjoy. i recently took a job at a large retail clothing store chain at a high-traffic mall. retail is my area, so i am generally comfortable and catch onto things quickly. but lord, i barely get scheduled any hours (12-18 hours a week) at $15/hour which i have mentioned to my managers that i am the oldest person on the sales floor meaning that i am the only person out of the other sales…
You can hardly support a family with a trade anymore. People used to get paid enough to support their family from OPENING FUCKING DOORS to places wtf happened and why did we let it happen. I'm only 24 years old and I feel like I'm fucked regardless of what I do because I didn't have a family that could pay for my college and I couldn't afford it myself. I don't want to rub nickels and dimes together for the rest of my life this is fucking bullshit. I want to work but I want to be respected by my employer and BE ABLE TO PUT A FUCKING ROOF OVER MY HEAD AND FOOD IN MY STOMACH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Are we meant to hate our jobs forever?
I’m 19, I’m a cook at a chain restaurant and I just don’t want to do this forever. I mean it’s a great opportunity. I’m making good money and it’s close to home, but I can’t see myself working for this company forever. I mean it’s a massive corporation and I’d rather die than be just another cog in the machine. I want to be a musician but God is that risky and expensive. Is there anything that I can do that’s more fulfilling to me as an artist, or am I doomed to have this become my day to day?
Who wouldn't be lining up for a part time cleaning job. There's nothing I'd rather be doing with my life.