If we average all the pay among all the people in the world right now.. the average pay is approximately 18,000$ not the American average of $56,000. If we get to the point everyone gets the average pay in American (56,000$).. should we keep pushing so that we have an average pay for the whole world (18,000$)? If we don’t aren’t we just being entitled and privileged Americans?
Author: Olivia
I am BEYOND pissed with Walmart.
I first applied a month ago. They hired me immediately. Said I had to fill out a background check form, cool. I did that. Got a call back 3 or so days later saying the form checks reset every 48 hours and that I’d have to do it again. Was slightly miffed, but did it. Now I’ve waited nearly a month. Was told one day a week after submitting the second time that the check was still processing and that there was nothing for me to do until it was finished. Now today, a month later, I’m being fed the same bullshit about the forms resetting every 48 hours and they “must not have received it.” I have SCREENSHOTS proving I filled it out on the fucking seventh. They wasted a goddamn near MONTH of my time I could’ve been working, didn’t tell me shit. Someone advised me to “just…
Retail dad (also Dracula)
I am working at an event out in Colorado doing security. And I had asked my employer what time our breaks were and was told that if I wanted to take a 10, I wouldn't be able to get a lunch. Last I checked, employees, regardless of contractor status, or w-2, in the state of Colorado, I am obligated for 2, 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch, am I wrong and is there any steps I can take?
Me too. Here are some sources my American (safe) self can contribute funds or time to help. These sources are specific to the war in Ukraine. I did not find these sources myself–they are from NPR. UNICEF: Children in the crossfire (see link) Doctors without boarders in Ukraine: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/countries/ukraine Voices of Children: https://voices.org.ua/en/ The Red Cross: https://www.icrc.org/en/where-we-work/europe-central-asia/ukraine Save the Children: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/where-we-work/ukraine?cid=Paid_Search%3AGoogle_Paid%3AEmer_Ukraine%3ANonbrand%3A022422&s_kwcid=AL%219048%213%21584222768599%21e%21%21g%21%21help+ukraine&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAiA9tyQBhAIEiwA6tdCrN5J3JtK0-fyWIFjL_0FIsC Refugee Aid through UNHCR: https://www.unrefugees.org/what-we-do/ Ukraine Crisis Fund: https://my.care.org/site/Donation2?df_id=31071&mfc_pref=T&31071.donation=form1&s_src=172220UCFM00&s_subsrc=FY22UkraineCrisisFundMO International Medical Corps: https://my.care.org/site/Donation2?df_id=31071&mfc_pref=T&31071.donation=form1&s_src=172220UCFM00&s_subsrc=FY22UkraineCrisisFundMO
I just quit
Still trying to get my thoughts straight here. So I'm sure I'll wonder off topic here and there. So, I was feeling kinda bad about it until I got my boss' reply. I suppose for that to make sense I need to figure out how much background I can give without going off topic. So, it's Domino's, and this is the second time I quit this exact store. The first time the stress of covid brought to the surface a lot of bullshit I'd been ignoring and when my boss tried to call me out for something in front of the whole store that was the final straw. And I'm far from the first or last person run off by this GM. After a few other crappy jobs, my roommate convinced me to go back. Even got 2 bucks raise out of it (sacarcasm party hat here). And this time,…