Generally, I think working in this capitalistic hellscape is brutal, however, with my weird luck in life, I have found a company that deserves its kudos. Haven't been able to write this, but as I am currently expecting my baby to be born any day now, I've found time during bedrest. TLDR at bottom. General background: I work from home in America for a small “technical content development” company that has always been remotely functioning. We have 12 full-time employees and about 20-30 vendors at any given time. They were hit hard by COVID and a couple of bad employees as I was being hired but still managed to stay afloat and not reduce anyone's pay. My title is a Business Specialist, but really, I do everything from contracting to automation services to invoice and timesheet reconciliation. There are 3 owners of the company and I work directly with them,…
Author: Olivia
Shady moves from my boss
My coworker just quit, and I noticed they're advertising the position online for more than I make rn. I was planning on asking for a raise anyways, waiting for my boss to come back from vacation to do so. Today they came back and coincidentally told me, I was getting a raise! A very small one, still putting me under the rate of the same position being advertised online. When I brought this up, they informed me the new recruit would actually be getting far less than the advertised rate, putting them UNDER my starting rate when i started the job a year ago. Not cool for me or the new hire…
Get ready for +20% on your grocery bill.
Wheat prices exploded today for russia and Ukraine produce 30% of global wheat supply. Add to that oil prices jump from 90$ zo 110$ in 3 days trending upward. High wheat and transportation prices will show at the grocery bill quite soon.
work =/= labor modeling in economics is generally unreliable economist are generally biased in a way that other sciences tend not to be -economics without full political context is b.s. economics is inherently ill defined economics and economist are typically devoted to a particular state the history of economics is colonial, imperial, and bourgeois modern economics has never changed or reconciled with the above non capitalist economics have their own harmful pro-state biases I'm sure a missed a lot. I'm a woman of trans experience (which if u have any issue w/ that move on please and do something else with your day) and my economic reality and never served by studying an economist. The masses of the Earth are never served by studying economics especially from western academics but honestly anyone in the world of academic economics is probably removed from real world labour and trade so much that…
why do people not revolt
i want to kill people in power so badly for preying on the goodwill of billions and ruining everyone's life to line their own pockets
Before I get into this- I just want to say, I AM NOT SUICIDAL. Just really fucking fed up. TLDR; Bf's new job is dragging their asses on starting him, I cant work, and Im behind on rent and don't know what to do. I am so stressed out. I'm 25, and in school. I can't work and do school at the same time because I'm dealing with a chronic pain issue that I'm awaiting surgery for, the chronic pain issue has been fucking up my work and school history as long as I can remember. Only reason I'm able to do school right now is because it's all online and I can do it from home. I'm not qualified for any wfh jobs because all my past work history is customer service/retail- which I don't even have any good references to show for because my health issue caused me…
No one at this company has said a word about unionizing. I was not forced to sit through an hour long “WE DON'T NEED AN EVIL UNION AND HERES 10 REASONS WHY” bullshit presentation. I'm being paid more than I've ever been paid (by a long shot) for the same job I've been doing for years at other companies. My managers work with me and treat me with respect. I don't get a sob story or guilt trip when I ask for a day or two off, even on short notice. I can show up and work six hours or I can stick around for some overtime and work 10, it's completely up to me. I'm getting the best health insurance I've ever had for literally $4 a paycheck. My highest up manager personally confronts me WEEKLY to ask if I'm happy in the workplace and if there's anything he…