
Today my job took me off the roster because they couldn’t be bothered dealing with a minor issue I had

I’ve been working as an e bike grocery delivery person for 2 weeks now. The job is pretty chill, we ride groceries to peoples houses on e bike and that’s that. I work at 2 different locations. The First Location i worked at had two types of bikes, I’ll just call the white and black bikes. The Black bikes were a bit too tall for me, I’m about 5’0 and I couldn’t touch the floor while sitting on this bike, it even toppled over while I was on it, my manager marked it as unsafe for me to ride and suggested i try the white bikes. These ones fit me much better, I could touch the floor and was able to properly control the bike. Now don’t get me wrong, I know how to ride a bike very well, it’s just the black bikes had something stopping the seat from…


I think my manger stole my hours

I need some advice please! I’m 22 and admittedly don’t have a lot of knowledge of labor laws and can be an extreme people pleaser. I work as a groomer at a corporate salon and make commission. Technically I make commission or 9.50 hourly, depending on which would be more so it always ends up being commission. I also make my own schedule. I have been told by management that we are not supposed to work over 40 hours, but that there are no rules against it. Two weeks ago was a big winter storm, so I ended up rescheduling two days worth of clients. I am booked out for a month, so instead of making them wait, I just put them on my schedule for my off days. Another groomer and the store lead told me when I first started, that if I have to go over 40 hours…


My boss on unprecedented rent increases in Austin, TX


Funny how that works, isn’t it?


Every single Super Bowl commercial just screams I wasted millions and won’t pay my employees more.

Celebrity cameos, pyrotechnics, helicopters. Every Single Company paid Millions just to air a commercial, but you can’t afford to pay a living wage? I can’t even enjoy the game knowing how commercialized it is by companies who abuse their employees. Uber Eats doesn’t consider their drivers employees, they’re “contractors” so tax liability is on the person.


Talk about training them young.


The two steps to keeping your job /s

How to escape Peloton's layoffs:


Opposite job duties compared to decription

So i started as an Inventory Clerk for a popular vacation destination company. However, my duties are vastly opposite of the job description. Firstly I have to manage inventory for three resorts in my area, which includes purchasing, receiving, and stocking.. Secondly, I am expected to use my personal vehicle to deliver supplies. The thing is im already driving over an hour just to get there, and with gas skyrocketing its hurting my pocket book. Thirdly, I am also responsible for delivering items to individual guests rooms by request. Finally I coordinate with local charities for them to recieve donations which I keep track of from the company. All this for $17 an hour and as one man. Should I talk to HR about these issues or just bite the bullet and hand in a two weeks notice?


How to organize one-on-one with your coworkers


“Why can’t we find good people!?”

New director was hired. Immediately started cutting down on everything, mostly labor (he wants more than half of what has been the historical cost cut, equivalent to staffing a fast food restaurant with one person). He also wants to “rebalance the wages” (aka, go back to wages pre-Covid, as in my area they have gone up slightly since then.) His unofficial plan was to have everyone quit so that he could hire new people at the old starting rate. He essentially wants to have new hires for the entry rate, that do the labor of two people… same labor, half the cost. After only a few weeks, the man made it happen. He successfully created his vision. We don’t have enough staff to even stay open full hours, when we are.. we’re berated by customers for slower service and not being open more. He summons a manager meeting and wants…