Y'all have helped me see that I'm NOT trapped in my current job and that I DO deserve better pay for all the hard work I do. I'm starting to not stay late/come in early. I'm no longer going the extra mile. And, most importantly, I'm getting my resume updated and will be applying for jobs that are actually careers. I know some of my opinions on here are a bit controversial; but, this fellowship helped me realize just how much I'm being screwed.
Author: Olivia
“Inflation” is Slang for Capitalism
Inflation is the misnomer, it's genuinely Capitalism. Record sales reported yearly, benefits and retirement scrapped away biannually with expectations raised to inhuman values whenever applicable. Hording wealth that is inconceivable. Synthetic Dragons that expect the riches to rain endlessly while also increasing in quantity every rainfall or else they puppeteer illusionary failure no matter the sacrifices you make or have made and if you're not willing to sacrifice what they say when they say it? You're worthless. “Inflation” is the perfect sheath for the blade that is Capitalism. You are being Capitalized upon, WE are being Capitalized upon. Marx was on the Mark…
Accidentally received giant bonus
Company has accidentally given me three 15k bonuses out of cycle for my role over the past 6 months… Yeah I'm keeping my mouth shut (except for bragging to internet strangers)
“Your break was 5 minutes too long.”
I have IBS and I've had to tell every manager I've had, this fact. Maybe I'd quit getting reprimanded for it if they could keep a new manager from quitting literally every fucking month I've been here. Oh, but I am allowed to not take my break to save my schedule adherence goal! I've shown up early every day and stay late the majority of days as well. I think the fact that I only missed 5 minutes is pretty damn good. Maybe next time I'll just shit the chair in the middle of the office and see if it takes them longer than 5 minutes to clean up.
Employers super bowl ad
I work for a hospital which happens to be the largest employer where I live. Every department is incredibly short staffed, and my department specifically is incredibly underpaid. Almost all of my co-workers have a second job. The company sent an email this morning notifying us of their super bowl ad, and when it will play. I guess I see where their priorities are, happy Friday!
The minimum wage. And a lot of these businesses want us to think that the fact that they're FINALLY offering $15+/hour is some big favor they're doing. The minimum wage in 1968 was $1.60/hr. Adjusted for inflation, that is $12.93/hr in 2022 money. Which means someone making $15/hr today is barely making over what minimum wage was 50+ years ago. ($15.00/hr in 1968 money is $1.86) And let's say you had a good job back in 1968. You were making $20.00/hr. (Which is barely a livable wage these days). That's $161.58/hr in 2022. People really don't realize HOW MUCH MONEY these employers are stealing from us. And they've programmed so many to be GRATEFUL for the little bit they still give us. Why should we work for less money than our parents/grandparents were able to make FIFTY YEARS AGO? That guy from Sweden the other day was right. We should…