If you haven’t heard, there’s a new “trend” of sorts of people working two (or more) remote jobs at once without telling anyone to cash two or three salaries at once. While on the surface this work-humping at its worst, in complete opposition antiwork, poking around their main hub of advice and their reddit community shows it’s quite the opposite. What catches my eye most is their explicit ethos of intentionally neglecting their second/third jobs to avoid burnout. They take additional jobs fully expecting to get fired from them eventually but enjoy the extra money in the meantime. What if you’re uncomfortable with that notion? Their answer is to get over yourself and “put ego aside”: We’re primed at a young age to be the very best we can be…you’re aiming to be a leader in your personal life…who cares if you’re not a leader in the public eye of…
Author: Olivia
Got told to come into work sick.
Unfortunately I work at a place that has employed a point system. Call off? Point. Leave a minute early? Point. Etc, was informed yesterday that I have managed to bag 6 1/2 points, Termination at 10. The reason for my points? I've been sick, calling off like they ask as to not get others sick. I work in a food factory, so I figured I'd be safe and not come in. Today as I was walking out I noticed that HR was in early and wanted to ask a few questions. Mostly as to how can I call in and not accrue more points. Was told to simply come to work sick, As long as it's not a fever she could care less what I have. Vomiting and diarrhea? Wash your hands before you leave the bathroom and as you go out onto the floor. What about getting approved early…
Owe CA $3K apparently because I left the state instead of staying and burning to death. Why am I even working!? Can't buy a home, can't start a family, can't save for retirement. All I can afford is avocado toast and craft beer.
Self-Righteous Manager
Two managers just quit and the two analysts (including myself) are now taking over ALL of their tasks without a penny more. My manager's manager just had a sit-down with both the analysts to make sure we are doing alright. We tell him that it's a lot of work to do and we'll try to manage. He comes snidely back with, let me help you prioritize your projects. Dude, we are literally drowning right now and it would help if you took on any of their responsibilities. It would also help if you increased our pay to make up for the amount of permanent work that we just got thrown on. Sure, it's a lot of work to do but a 15-20% bump would mean a lot to us who are suddenly doing two jobs. But no, your solution is to spend long meetings with us to flex your managerial…
Today’s Dilbert is antiwork.
Good morning! A few years ago, I proposed to get a sales and promotions calendar for Customer Service to help improve the time it took to help customers. I did a local one and it was a hit, specially with the new hires because they hadn't learned all the ins and outs of the search system we use. I proposed it to the company, thinking “why can't we make this for the rest of the CS population?” and was met with “No, it's not possible, blah blah blah”. I let it go and once I moved on from Customer Service to other temp jobs in the company, gave the project to a coworker. Fast forward 3 years, I log in today and see an email from marketing team. “Hey, we just spent the last 3 months working on this page on the internal wiki that can be used to search…