
Australian Treasury Secretary: “We probably underestimated the extent to which we could draw people into work, and not put any pressure on wages” – please realise you have the power right now to negotiate your wage, don’t accept the lowball offer!


I thought you might enjoy this. it was posted on FB


What are your favourite posts here of someone telling off their boss or quitting?

I find these so damn interesting


This makes my brain shrivel



I was a ghostwriter on a site called I always used the articles I wrote for lazy bloggers to promote myself, a charity I worked with, my friends, or my regular employer. But the most fun I had was when I wrote things that were completely false. For example, did you know that the very rich and famous live in Myrtle Springs, TX? Well, you do now: Overseas Property Buyers Dominate the Sri Lanka Market – ikman Blog


Company lying about profits to not pay bonuses

I work for a grocery chain with about 100 stores as a manager. We get a yearly bonus that is based off our year end results. For our last inventory last year they told us we didn't have to do it and they were going to estimate it. It came back with the worst numbers I have seen in my 10 years working there. Our first inventory of 2022 came back with impossibly good numbers which we were praised for. I said to my boss that it looked like they took our 2021 profits and moved them into 2022. He agreed. I asked him how that would effect our bonus. He said some weird half sentences about nonsense and said he had a meeting. A week later he said I would be getting a bonus but still won't tell me how much it will be.


Tips for trainee?

So I started a job at a new restaurant today. I have experience of a few years now doing server and bartender work, and busting my butt doing kitchen and janitorial work even though it was never included as my official duties. I am supposed to be working as a bartender at this job. They have me serving the whole floor in front of the bar and running food, taking orders, meanwhile taking care of the people at the bar simultaneously. Today I worked well. I have a good work ethic and always put in a great amount of effort into any work I do. Even the workers said I was doing great for a trainee (just a sprinkle of b r a g). But what caught me off guard was at the end of the night when the manager who trained me and worked the shift with me pocketed…


If anyone needs a good laugh…or cry


What could your employer do for you that would make you feel valued?

I remember working out of college under one of the biggest pricks you can possibly imagine, short temper, slick back hair and old-fashioned “a minute late is the same thing as not-coming.” I resented him and I resented working for years because of him, and I see so many similar complaints from people on this subreddit and it really makes me really, really want to be different. I'm planning on hiring an employee as soon as possible (hopefully 2 by the end of the year) – what can I do to make him feel valued, included, or appreciated in the workplace? Of course things like PTO, bonuses, and a good rate, but I was wondering if you all had suggestions. I thought this might be a good place to ask, thanks.


Maryland Drive-In has Insane “Conditions of Employment”