Author: Olivia
The same GOP lie, decade after decade…
Can’t budget your way out of slave wages
why do not we have freedom?
(I still tip at my local restaurants just because I don't want spit in my food.) But when I'm out and about in places I won't visit again, I never tip no matter the quality of the service. It's a hard thing to neglect sometimes, but I'm convinced that it will turn more people to our cause in the long run. It's just one of those things that make people see how fucked their situation is. Imagine being at your lowest, doing a demeaning job that only exists because people like being served their food instead of getting it from the kitchen themselves, not even earning a minimum wage, and then some stingy dick tourist refuses to tip you? Man, I know I'd be daydreaming about revolution. It is accelerationism. The capitalist system must collapse sooner, before it had time to stabilise itself by morphing into fascism, and the way…
Boss Writing Me Up
Our store recently switched managers. The old manager told us not to show up to work at all if we're sick (regardless of not having sick time). I not having any more sick days to use texted one of our managers (not the main one) that I'm sick and won't be coming in, which he approved of. He never mentioned anything to me about submitting sick time, he just approved it and I have it in writing. Two days after the incident the main manager tells me that he's getting my write up approved by HR for an unexcused absence… Under what circumstances are they legally obligated to allow me to miss work? Since they lied to me I can lie to them. This is in the state of California.
Don’t work for RAS Legal
Just been fired because I told them I would be taking a two week trip in June. The trip is religious, and despite that, they still outed me. At first, they offered to bring me back after the trip, but they got cold feet and retracted their offer. Also the pay was shit.